PoProP - POllution PRevention Of Processes

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PoProP's task
In this software two important aspects of pollution prevention have been looked at: waste minimization and solvent substition In using the software chemical process industries and related institutes can examine already developed processes or processes in work for their degree of optimization towards pollution prevention.

Only basic information is required and the handling is very easy so that results and suggestions for improvement can be obtained very quickly.

Software description (for more information see "thesis")
Pollution Prevention:

We developed a method for preventing pollution in chemical processes by selecting solvents which have good environmental behaviour in addition to good performance. The software examines solvents from an attached solvent database for behaviour in the process and environment by conducting solubility calculations and other required property estimations which are related to the solvent function, and by checking for the influence on important environmental dangers ranging from global threats like ozone depletion to local harms.

Waste minimization:

In this part we compare input and output flows of processes and their composition in order to calculate the excess of reactants, the relative yield, the use of additional agents and the efficiency of the chemical reaction itself. As a result one can identify possible weak points of the process and can locate input material which is not used efficiently.

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